Bottle of Tears is a curated gift service through which friends can share comfort with one another by sending gifts of hope.
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I love all things vintage and have always loved vintage bottles. I love the beauty of knowing that these bottles have had a story, and I can't wait for them to bring hope to others that are struggling. I also know the value of surprises and gifts when life feels like it's been turned upside down. Mail is like gold for me, especially on days that I have not been able to get out of bed. And people's gifts and cards always seem to come on the days I have needed hope most.
I pray these bottles will do the same thing for so many all over the country. I pray these gifts will be a small token to remind the grieving and broken that they are not alone. My deep desire is that you know that God sees you. He loves you. There is purpose in your pain. And, He's not done with you yet. In the midst of the pain, when everything seems unclear, I pray this gift will be a small glimmer of hope in your story.